Driving to Disney World with Kids

There are two main ways to get to Disney World from all over the country and all over the world. You can fly or you can drive. I’ve done both, and I can tell you that without a doubt, driving is going to help you make more memories on your way down than flying ever could.

Don’t get me wrong, flying is great, and depending on where you are in the country, or in the world, that might be the best (or only) option for you. However, if you can drive, you need to do it at least once.

We live just north of Atlanta, Georgia. We are about a seven to eight hour drive to Walt Disney World. So we can do this drive in a day without an issue.

Is this the fastest option? No, but it isn’t as slow as you would think. Is it the cheaper option? Without a doubt, but that isn’t necessarily why we do it.

We do it because of the memories that are made while driving. The funny things that happen when everyone is crammed into a tight space for the length of a school day/work day. The frustrations that pop-up in those moments, that everyone can look back on and laugh about later. The funny things that happen, that you can look back and remember forever. It is a great reminder that we shouldn’t just enjoy the destinations, but we should enjoy every part in the journey.

That got a little deeper than I thought it would. That is kind of the point though. The journey is part of the fun in life, and the journey is part of the fun on a vacation.

There are physiologist out there that say our brains actually get more enjoyment out of planning and anticipating vacations, than we do when actually being on and experiencing those vacations. Don’t deprive yourself of the joy of anticipation. Don’t deprive yourself of the joy of making memories. Don’t deprive yourself of saving enough money person to do a character meal for every flight ticket you don’t purchase.

We’ve driven to Florida with kids of all ages, and future blog post will tell you more about the tips and tricks on what we have done when driving, and how we have survived those trips to and from Walt Disney World.

Before I end this point, I will leave you with my best piece of advice for driving to Walt Disney World.

The state of Florida has the “air patrol.” They will clock your speed from the sky, and then appear from the trees. So if you are driving on interstate 75, don’t speed. They will see you. They will clock you. You will pay more for the driving option. But..it will give your entire family a memory they will never let you forget.


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