8 Tips for a Stress-Free Family Vacation
Traveling with kids can be stressful, but with the right planning and preparation, it can also be a wonderful experience for the whole family. Here are some tips for a stress-free family vacation when traveling with kids:
Plan ahead
Planning ahead is the single most important aspect in reducing stress when it comes to your family vacation. Choose your destination and make travel arrangements well in advance. This will give you plenty of time to research and book family-friendly accommodations, activities, and transportation.
Don’t stop there though. Come up with a game plan starting with the biggest items and move down from there. What are the big things you want to do on this vacation? What is the best place to stay to accomplish these things. What else can you do to work around these things?
If you can answer those questions, you are going to dramatically reduce your stress while on vacation.
Stay flexible
Have you ever been on a vacation with kids…or anyone else…or even just a vacation in general? Things don’t always go as planned. In fact, they hardly ever go as planned every step of the way.
What happens if something comes up, and you need to change your plans on the fly? Be prepared to change plans or adjust your itinerary if needed. Kids can be unpredictable, and it's important to stay flexible to ensure everyone has a good time. As we talked about planning ahead in the previous item, plan ahead on ways you can adjust and be flexible on the fly. Just because you are being flexible, doesn’t mean you can’t plan for those moments, and have a plan B…or C…or Z.
Stay organized
It really helps to eliminate stress if you are organized.
Keep all important documents, like passports, in one place. Use packing cubes or bags to keep everyone's belongings organized and easily accessible. Unpack your bags when you arrive at your destination, and repack them with dirty clothes, souvenirs, and anything you no longer need, as your trip goes on.
Having easy access to anything important, and being able to quickly access it when needed, and eliminating unnecessary clutter, will definitely help ease tension and stress
Pack smart
Speaking of packing, you can’t just be all willy nilly about how you pack for your vacation.
Create a packing list for each family member, and pack according to the climate and activities planned. Depending on the time of year, you may not need heavy jackets, you may not need shorts. Then again, you might end up having to pack both. Of course, you won’t want to forget rain gear either, especially if you are looking to visit Walt Disney World.
Clothes are the only thing you need to pack though. Don't forget to pack essentials like medication, toiletries, hygiene products, and even snacks, and entertainment items for the kids.
Take breaks
We always recommend it to our clients that are planning any type of vacation. You there not just there to have a great time, but you are also trying to slow down and get away from the day to day hustle and bustle of life. Plan regular breaks and downtime throughout the trip to allow everyone to recharge and relax.
No matter if you are planning a week long Orlando, theme park centered vacation, or just planning on hitting up the beach at an all-inclusive resort, make time to take a break. Everyone’s definition on relaxing and recharging is different, so don’t forget to take your definition, your kid’s definition, into consideration when taking those breaks.
Keep it simple
When it comes to vacations, people have a tendency to do too much because they want to “get the most band for their buck.” Try your best to avoid this way of thinking. Avoid over-scheduling or cramming too much into your itinerary.
If you plan too many things, you are going to feel rushed. You will have a harder time being flexible, and it will become more difficult to take breaks.
Choose activities that are easy and enjoyable for the whole family. It is a vacation after all. You want to have a memorable experience, and come back home feeling refreshed and renewed.
Involve the kids
It is easy to forget that kids aren’t just along for the ride. They aren’t just going to have a great time doing exactly what we want to do, or exactly what we planning out.
Involve your kids in the planning process and let them help choose places to eat and things to do. If you are open to it, maybe even let them help pick our your destination, or your hotel/resort accommodations. This will help them feel more invested in the trip and more excited about what's to come.
I have personally experience this one as both a child and a parent, and I can confirm it is a win-win. Anytime I was younger, and now with my kids, everyone gets to pick what we eat for dinner one night on our trip. It’s a great way to help everyone feel like they have a say, it helps eliminate a lot of complaints, and it helps with the planning ahead.
Be patient and positive
Remember that traveling with kids can be challenging at times, but try to maintain a positive attitude and keep a sense of humor. Stay patient and flexible, and focus on creating positive memories for the whole family.
What’s the best way to do that? Book your trip with DDWK Travel!