7 Reasons to Do Disney with Grandparents

Think back to all those family vacations you took as a kid. Your parents putting you in the back of the car, station wagon, or van, and then road tripping to wherever. Maybe you took an annual vacation to the beach like my family did, or maybe you took trips down to Walt Disney World like Jessica’s family. Or maybe your family took trips to see fun sites and visit family around the country.

No matter what family vacations you took, it was your parents that took you. No matter how those trips went, there are memories you made on those trips that are lifelong memories for you.

Now you are have a family of your own, and you are ready to make those memories with your family. So why not do it with the ones that helped you make those memories when you were younger? It may be hard to coordinate with the grandparents. It may be even more difficult if you have siblings, and they have families. But hey, that’s why you use a travel agency like DDWK Travel right? (shameless plus)

If you are on the fence about a multi-generation trip to Disney, below are seven reason you should consider it.

1) Extra Hands

Disney is a busy place. There are a lot of people. There are a lot of places to go, things to see, souvenirs to buy, and food to eat. That can be a lot for any parent to handle. So why not bring along one or two more pairs of hands?

All the kids want a hand to hold. No problem. Someone needs to grab a table, while someone else parks the stroller, and someone else gets the food, and someone else has the kids? No problem.Someone needs to run to the bathroom, someone wants to ride a ride, and someone wants a snack? No problem.

An extra set of hands cannot hurt.

2) Ability to Splurge on Your Resort

Did you know that there are resorts that have full kitchens, washers and dryers, sitting rooms, superstate bedrooms, multiple bathrooms, and can sleep multiple families?

You would be surprised at the cost. Sometimes, these rooms are right around the same cost, as if each family got their own individual rooms.

Sometimes you can upgrade your resort by getting everyone together. Which could mean more hours at the park, and the ability to ride more rides and skip more lines.

Sometimes you can upgrade to the concierge level. Free meals and snacks. Extra special service. And so much more.

The perks in pooling your money, and getting a larger room, are really something to consider.

3) Memories for Everyone

It’s one thing for your kids to remember the vacations you take them on as kids. The same way you remember the vacations your parents took you on.

It’s another things for you to remember the vacations you took your kids on, just like your parents remember taking you when you were younger.

However, there is a special type of memory when grandparents get to go on a family vacation with their grandkids. When grown siblings get to take their families on vacation together, and when cousins get to spend time together. Those are memories that last a lifetime, and those are vacations you never forget.

4) Adult Time

Have you ever wanted to take an adults only Disney or Universal trip, but can’t bring yourself to not take your kids if you’re going to Orlando?

Ever been on vacation, and wanted to try some fancier restaurants, but didn’t want to take the kids? With the grandparents tagging along, you have another set of adults that can watch the kids.

Maybe that means you can sneak away one afternoon for a trip to the spa. Maybe that means a fancy dinner. Maybe it just means the kids go to the pool or go for a snack with the grandparents, and you can just get a chance to relax.

No matter what though, extra hand and extra adults, give you a moment or two that you can take a deep breath.

5) Let Them Be Young Again

I became a big Disney fan when I got to see it through my kids eyes. I didn’t grow up going to Disney, and I didn’t care that we were going to Disney for the first time.

That all changed when I saw how special it was for my kids. That all changed when I saw it through their eyes.
Now imagine how it must feel for grandparents to experience that same feeling through the eyes of their grandkids.

The joy and kid like wonder we feel as parents, can not compare to what a grandparent gets to experience. Not only do they get to see that same joy through the eyes of their grandkids, but they also get to relive the joy a parent has. They to get relieve that experience through seeing their kids with their grandkids.

They gave so much to you. Give them a chance to be young again. Let them make new memories, and get to experience these trips in so many ways.

6) Someone Else to Buy Souvenirs

Let’s get real for a minute. When you go anywhere on vacation with kids, they are going to want a souvenir. Guess what? Everyone knows this, and that’s why souvenirs are expensive.

You know who loves to spoil kids with unnecessary amounts of gifts? Grandparents!

Even in the best case scenario, you won’t leave a theme park without spending $25 on something. Minimum!
Maybe you still spend that, and the grandparents just double the amount of souvenirs their grandkids get. Maybe your kids get the same amount, but you save some money.

Either way, this is a no lose situation for you and your kids.

7) Give Back

Grandparents give us so much. They raised us. They spoil our kids. They deserve a little extra fun experience beyond the usual babysitting and weekend visits.

Give them the experience that will be a memory that last a lifetime for them, and will be an experience you and your kids have with them, that no one will ever forget.

Now that we’ve told you seven great reasons to book your multi-generational Disney trip, please reach out to us at ddwktravel@gmail.com to book a magical vacation your family will never forget. We will make the plans so you can make the memories.


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